I promise to post more of my art soon, but I can’t resist some of these adorable kid projects that come to fruition during my day job. Here is the lesson plan for Spring Watercolor flowers (I wrote it for school, so obviously you don’t have to do the book reading but it is an adorable and worthwhile book)! You can use tempra cake paints (what we use in class) or you could even water down some acrylic or gouache paints. 🙂 This is such a simple and rewarding project; have fun!
Instructional Methods
- Optional reading of the book Ish by Peter Reynolds.
- Demonstrate painting entire piece of watercolor paper with water. With the paper still wet, explain that we are doing a “wet on wet” watercolor technique. Paint “circle-ish” shapes on the paper in various colors except for green. Students may paint “rings” around circles with other colors as well. Leave room at the bottom of the page for stems. Allow students time to complete these steps.
- Demonstrate painting green stems with a thin paintbrush. Remind students of proper care techniques when using the fine-tip paintbrushes. This concludes the first session.
- With a black sharpie marker students will embellish details on their flowers (petals, lines, dots and stems). The finished project will have a little bit of a “retro” feel and the students will be so proud of their imperfect “ish” artwork!

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