A Weekend Escape to Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts…
I thought that I might post a few pictures from my weekend at Arrowmont. When I arrived I was a little taken aback that Arrowmont was not secluded in the mountains above Gatlinburg; the entrance is actually right beside the Hard Rock cafe and the campus is just above the main drag of the town. It was amazing how I completely forgot that I was so close to city life for 4 days though. I cannot find words to express the quality of the workshop, surroundings and people. After agonizing over my fear of getting a roommate with verbal diarrhea I was “bumped” up into a private room and no suite mate to share my bathroom with (it “pays” to go during an early season weekend!). The people were so nice that I even quit trying to sit by myself at meals as I realized that it was perhaps a little offensive that I tried several times to do just that (my introverted side enjoys some meals and readings alone). (more…)